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Ball Valves, Gate Valves, Globe Valves, Check Valves

Norwegian Valve Technology A/S

Norwegian Valve Technology A/S ( NVT ) is a Norwegian company specialising in valves, actuators, instrumentation and related products to the Norwegian & International on/offshore industry.

NVT remains independent of all manufacturers and suppliers and NVT`s strategy is to become a leading supplier for such equipment.

NVT`s business is split between Development and Modification projects and day-to-day business from Maintenance and Operation services.

NVT can provide you with a comprehensive range of BALL, GATE, “THROUGH CONDUIT” GATE, GLOBE, CHECK, PLUG, BUTTERFLY and NEEDLE valves in various sizes, pressures and materials such as CARBON STEEL, STAINLESS STEEL, DUPLEX, SUPER DUPLEX, 6Mo and TITANIUM.

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